सोनीको प्रायोजनमा वर्ल्ड फोटोग्राफी अवार्डस् हरेक वर्ष हुने गर्छ। यो अवार्डसमा प्रोफेसनल, ओपन, युथ र स्टुडेन्ट गरी मूलतः चार वटा विधामा प्रतियोगिता हुने गर्छ। तर विभिन्न देशका फोटोग्राफरहरुलाई प्रोत्साहन दिन यी विधामा इन्ट्री गर्ने छुट्टाछुट्टै देशका लागि छुट्टाछुट्टै नेसनल अवार्ड पनि दिने गरिन्छ। यो वर्ष अर्थात् सन् २०२० का लागि नेसनल अवार्डको घोषणा शुक्रबार राति भएको छ। नेपालको फोटो त तपाईँले यो ब्लगमा हेरिहाल्नुभो। अब आज हेरौँ विभिन्न १४ देशका गजबका फोटो
कतिपयलाई लाग्छ महँगा क्यामेरा र लेन्सले मात्र राम्रा फोटो खिच्छ। त्यस्तै फोटोले मात्र अवार्ड जित्छ। तर होइन, यो फोटो आइफोन एक्सले खिचेको हो। अस्ट्रेलियाको तर्फबाट एडम स्टिभेन्सनले नेसनल अवार्ड जिते।
Image Name: That’s Nothing to Laugh About
Photographer Name: Adam Stevenson
Year: 2020
Image Description: This image was taken with my iPhone X close to my home at Wallabi Point, New South Wales, Australia, after devastating bushfires swept through the area. As I watched the sun set through the smoke a kookaburra appeared and allowed me to walk right up to it. We shared a moment, watching the sun fade behind the apocalyptic scene… he was laughing.
Copyright: © Adam Stevenson, Australia, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards
यो अलि क्रियटिभ किसिमको फोटो हो। अचेल युट्युबमा भिडियो हेर्ने पुस्तालाई थाहा नहोला, तर यो भिसिआरको टेप हो। यो टेप डेकमा राखेर टेलिभिजनमा फिल्म हेर्ने गर्थे पुरानो पुस्ता। बंगलादेशको तर्फबाट नेसनल अवार्ड जित्ने टोन्मोय अधिकारीले ब्ल्याक एन्ड ह्वाइटमा खिचेको यो फोटोमा आँखा चाहिँ ह्वाइट छ, क्यासेट चाहिँ ब्ल्याक।
Image Name: Reminiscence
Photographer Name: Tonmoy Adhikary
Year: 2020
Image Description: ‘Black And White’
This photo is about someone I know who loves watching movies a lot. His love and affection of watching movies started when he was a little kid, in the era of VCR player. Today, in the age of modern day technology, the VCR player is now nearly extinct. But there are people even to this days who cherish those vintage ever loved devices and their priceless memories.
This photo is in Black and white in three different ways.
First, the photo itself is Black&White, Second, the VCR cassette in the photo is black and the eyes are white. And Third, there used to be a white piece of paper labeled on the cassette to write down the name of the film or content.
Copyright: © Tonmoy Adhikary, Bangladesh, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards
एउटा पुरानो भवनभित्र ब्याले डान्स गर्दै गरेकी नर्तकीको यो फोटोले चिलीको तर्फबाट नेसनल अवार्ड जित्यो।
Image Name: Dance and urbex
Photographer Name: Alejandro Cifuentes
Year: 2020
Image Description: Ballet dance inside an old building
Copyright: © Alejandro Cifuentes, Chile, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards
पहिलो विश्वयुद्धका क्रममा खनिएका सुरुङ र ग्यालरीहरु देखिने गरी सूर्यास्तका बेला खिचिएको यो फोटोले बुल्गेरियाको तर्फबाट नेसनल अवार्ड जित्यो।
Image Name: Sunset
Photographer Name: Atanas Chulev
Year: 2020
Image Description: The photo was taken in one of the excavated tunnels and galleries during the First World War. Most of them can be seen on Via Ferrata De Luca-Innerkofler, but it is advisable to go with the Via Ferrata kit.
Copyright: © Atanas Chulev, Bulgaria, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards
ब्राजिलको तर्फबाट नेसनल अवार्ड जितेको यो फोटोले ब्राजिलमा बेचबिखन गरी ल्याइएका र दास बनाइएका दुई अश्वेतहरुको मिलनलाई देखाउँछ।
Image Name: Afrocentrípeta
Photographer Name: Matheus Leite Ferreira
Year: 2020
Image Description: This work illustrates the narrative of union between black peoples, who were trafficked and enslaved in Brazil for 3 centuries.
It is a portrait of the symbiosis and metamorphosis, which occurred here in Brazil, between the black people of the most different regions and cultures of Africa.
Despite all the cuts and lashes, there is an afro-centripetal force that changes us, but also keeps our ancestral ligature.
Copyright: © Matheus Leite Ferreira, Brazil, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards
म्यान्मारका तर्फबाट नेसनल अवार्ड जितेको यो फोटो खिचिएको भने मंगोलियामा हो। चीलसँग शिकार खेल्न जाने यिनीहरु सामान्यतया मंगोलिया र कजाखस्तानको सीमामा बस्छन्। हरेक अक्टोबर महिनामा हुने महोत्सवमा कजाख चिल शिकारीहरुको भेला हुन्छन्। कजाख सरकारले यिनीहरुलाई आफ्नै देशमा फर्काउन फकाए पनि अधिकांश भने मंगोलियामा नै बस्छन्।
Image Name: Young Eagle Hunter Lady
Photographer Name: Kyaw Bo Bo Han
Year: 2020
Image Description: this photo is taken in Olgii Provinces, Mongolia. they are hunting with eagles and Normally they stay at the border of Kazakhstan and Mongolia. Each October, Kazakh eagle hunting customs are displayed at the annual Golden Eagle Festival. Although the Kazakh government has made efforts to lure the practitioners of these Kazakh traditions back to Kazakhstan, most Kazakhs have remained in Mongolia.
Copyright: © Kyaw Bo Bo Han, Myanmar, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards
हाम्रा प्रधानमन्त्रीले राइनो हैन गैँडा भन्नुपर्छ, एक सिङ्गे गैँडा हेर्न नेपालै आउनु पर्छ अन्यत्र पाइन्न भने पनि यो फोटो भने भारतको आसामस्थित पोबिटोरा वाइल्ड लाइफ स्यान्क्चुरीमा खिचिएको हो। दुई भालेपोथी एक सिङ्गे गैँडाको प्रजनन क्रियाको यो फोटोमा एउटा बकुल्लो पनि देखिन्छ। भारतको तर्फबाट नेसनल अवार्ड जितेको हो यो फोटोले।
Image Name: Mating Rhinos
Photographer Name: Abhijeet Kumar Banerjee
Year: 2020
Image Description: Taken this image at Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary, Assam India in Dec 2019. It was early winter morning and we were on a jeep safari. And suddenly we encountered this mating Indian one horned Rhino pair. Needless to say, an unique and rare opportunity. Light was just right and we have an opening on the edge of this grass field. Moving around taken some shots from different angle and distance. Here the pair was indifferent to the Egrets sitting along.
Copyright: © Abhijeet Kumar Banerjee, India, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards
समुद्र छेउमा पौडी खेलिरहेका यी मानिसहरु कमिला जस्ता देखिन्छन्। इटालीका तर्फबाट नेसनल अवार्ड जित्न सफल भएको हो यो फोटोले।
Image Name: Sur La Mer
Photographer Name: Roberto Corinaldesi
Year: 2020
Image Description: Swimmers seen from above take on the appearance of human ants.
Copyright: © Roberto Corinaldesi, Italy, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards
सूर्यास्त हुँदै गर्दा घोडाहरु धपाउँदै घर फर्किरहेको यो फोटोले मलेसियाको नेसनल अवार्ड जित्यो।
Image Name: Descend From Above
Photographer Name: Tien Sang Kok
Year: 2020
Image Description: Hundred of horses are galloping when the sun is about to shine its last ray. It is traditionally said that a Mongol without a horse is like a bird without a wing, this is how strong the bond between human being and animal that we should appreciate.
Copyright: © Tien Sang Kok, Malaysia, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards
रोमानियाको नागबेली बाटोको यो फोटोले लात्भियाको तर्फबाट नेसनल अवार्ड जित्यो।
Image Name: Autumn serpentine
Photographer Name: Arvids Baranovs
Year: 2020
Image Description: Mountain serpentine in the mountains Romania during golden autumn.
Copyright: © Arvids Baranovs, Latvia, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards
यिनको नाम माजा हो। नर्तकी तथा गायिका। सर्बियन परम्परा अनुसारको रङ अनुहारमा लगाएकी छिन् उनले। सर्बियाको तर्फबाट नेसनल अवार्ड जितेको हो यो फोटोले।
Image Name: KOLO
Photographer Name: Jelena Jankovic
Year: 2020
Image Description: This is Maja. She is a dancer and a singer of Ensemble KOLO.
Maja is dressed in one of the many traditional costumes that she wears while she performs on stage. The paint on her face is one of the colors associated with Serbian tradition.
All the performers of Ensemble KOLO are people whose job is to preserve Serbian tradition through music, song, and dance. In fact, the main mission of Ensemble KOLO is to collect, adapt and perform Serbian folk dances and songs. With this diverse repertoire, Ensemble travels around the world and represents the rich culture of its country.
Copyright: © Jelena Jankovic, Serbia, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards
चिया बगानको यो फोटोले भियतनामको तर्फबाट अवार्ड जित्यो।
Image Name: Drying Tea
Photographer Name: Tran Tuan
Year: 2020
Image Description: Workers in Moc Chau and Son La in Vietnam spread green tea leaves out to dry – this is the first stage of oolong tea production.
Copyright: © Tran Tuan, Vietnam, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards
जापानको कावागुचिगो लेकको यो फोटोले थाइल्यान्डका तर्फबाट नेसनल अवार्ड जित्यो।
Image Name: Red day
Photographer Name: Kiatthaworn Khorthawornwong
Year: 2020
Image Description:
The beautiful of Autumn at Kawaguchigo lake, Japan.
Copyright: © Kiatthaworn Khorthawornwong, Thailand, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards
फोटोग्राफरले राजधानी सउलमा फेसन सुट गर्छन्। यो क्रममा मोडलहरुलाई उनले अङ्गालो हाल्न र केही शान्त कुरा सोच्न भनेका थिए।
Image Name: Hugging each other.jpg
Photographer Name: Youngchul Kim
Year: 2020
Image Description: I shoot a fashion shoot in Seoul.
During the fashion shoots, I asked models to huge each other and think something peaceful and blessed.
Copyright: © Youngchul Kim, Korea (Republic of), 1st Place, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards