-भूपध्वज कार्की-
दराजले नोभेम्बर ११ अर्थात् ११.११ सेलका रुपमा भव्य प्रचार गरी सेल कार्यक्रम गरेको थियो। भन्नलाई ठूलो छुट भने पनि मूल्य आकासिने राखेर त्यसमा डिस्काउन्ट देखाएर मूल्य उस्ताउस्तै वा अझ महँगो राखेर झुक्याएको बारेमा सामाजिक सञ्जालमा प्रशस्तै आलोचना भए। मेरो भोगाइ भने अलि फरक छ।
११.११ को दिन दराजमार्फत् अनलाइन सपिङ गर्ने क्रममा मलाई नराम्रोसँग झुक्याए।
यो दिन राति २ बजेसम्म बसेर अर्डर गरेँ सामान। मेरो अर्डर गरेको सामानको अर्डर कन्फर्म पनि भयो। अनि कार्डबाट पेमेन्ट पनि भयो। मेरो अकाउन्टबाट पैसा पनि काटियो।
तर त्यसो दुई दिनपछि भने सामान आउट अफ स्टक भयो, दिन सक्दैनौँ भनेर पो मेसेज पठाउँछ त। कन्ट्याक्ट गर्न खोज्दा पनि कुनै प्रतिक्रिया भएन।
त्यति मात्र कहाँ हो र, मैले तिरिसकेको पैसा फिर्ता पाउन पनि ८ देखि १० दिनसम्म पो लाग्ने भन्छ त। कृपया यस्तो झुक्याउने कामको बारेमा राम्रोसँग सबैलाई बुझाइदिनु पर्यो।
तपाईँले पनि यस्तै भोग्नुभएको भए तल कमेन्टमा लेख्न सक्नुहुन्छ।
Shopping garnu agi company policy aadi hernu parcha, this is common practice in all online companies, if a product gets out of stock, refund huncha paisa, which obviously will take a few days. Kati samma matteka Nepali haru, smartphone matra bhaera hunna, ma ni online shopping garchu, tara dherai bujhera, tyai bhaera I have not had any problems. Besides, yo blog biased cha, I saw a similar news last year. Bunch of dumbasses, smh.
मेरो पनि सामान damage पठाएको रहेछ। return गरेको, १० दिन लाग्छ पो भन्यो।
Malai pani 11.11 ma daraz online bat rebok ko sorts order gare. order confirm bhayako thiyo order no 200764267694187 ho but rebok le mero order cancell gardiyo ani re-order garna call aayo nov 15 ma maile mero gift voucher and shipping discount pani thiyo pachhi goods delivery garne samayama bill ma without discount ko aayo. order cancell garne rebok ani maile new additional price tirnu parne re yesto pani online shopping hunchh ma thagiyako maile kaha report garne hola any idea ?
Daraz is doing fraud in the name of online shopping. I had also the same experience. I ordered a purchase and paid online.It also charged on my card, but after more than a week, it canceled my order and mentioned about the refund, but it said that it will refund in 10 days and had written as “It may take up to 10 business days for your refund to be shown in your account due to different processing times between payment providers.”
If the product is sold out then why do they sale further? Why don’t they use the automatic system to close the sales offer, if they don’t have any product in stock? Or they still use excel sheet to keep there data, how many pieces they have and how many they have already sold. I know this from Amazon, if the product is sold out, then you can’t buy it.
यो ओली ले दन्काएको जस्तै हो / ओली ले पानी जहाज र गैंडा को उखान टुक्का हानेर कहिले बकैना को बोट त कहिले लप्सी को बोट मुनि दन दन आगो दन्काएको छ / यस दराज ले पनि यसै गरी दन्काएको हो /
refund bhayako paisa pani kehi samaya shopping garena bhane expired bhanera khaidine rahexa Daraz le !!!! Its ridiculous …. Achamma Chha ..
If the product is sold out or damaged, they should refund money immediately. Do not give the example of Australia.
I think this is not fraud which is common problem while making payments through card in supermarkets or online shopping. Because that money is refunded by bank and not Daraz. Even in supermarkets while making payments via card, sometimes our account is debited twice and we get instant message in our mobile. We need to contact the bank and fill the claim form to reverse and credit our account for the same and the bank usually asks for 5 ~ 7 days to credit our account. Thanks
Refund गर्दा delay गरेर थोरै थोरै गरेर धेरै जनाको ब्याज जम्मा गर्दा टन्नै पो कमाउने दाउ रहेछ ।
मेरो दराज सँग राम्रो अनुभव छ। यो पल्ट ११.११ मा एऊटा ब्राण्डेड जुत्ता किने। बिदेशको अनलाईनमा भन्दा कम दाममा (आशा गरौं, कपि होईन भनेर)। ईण्डियामा पनि अमेजन, फ्लिपकार्टबाट सप्पिङ गरेको छु। ई्ण्डिया भन्दा कुनै हिसाबले कम छैन सप्पिङ एक्सपेरियन्स्।
This is common practice in australia. If the product is sold out or damaged then it is more likely to get refund and also it does take 5-7 business days to get money back. So, there is nothing wrong what they did. i know this because i used to manage one of australia’s biggest retail online department. hope this helps.