पिजे क्लबको आयोजनामा भएको नेपाल फोटो प्रतियोगिता २०७५ को नतिजा आज घोषणा भएको छ। नरेन्द्र श्रेष्ठले कोशीमा बाढी आएको बेला खिचेको बालकको शव बगाउँदै गरेको फोटोले फोटो अफ दि इयरको अवार्ड जितेको छ। त्यसैगरी अरु विभिन्न विधामा पहिलो दोस्रो र तेस्रो घोषणा भएको छ। हेरौँ फोटोहरु।
Dev Kumar Sada (left), uncle of five-year-old flood victim Kamal Sada, guides the boy’s dead body in the Koshi River at Kulari Village, Nepal, 13 August 2017. Kamal died due to sickness from continuous exposure to rainfall and flooding. According to local culture, when a young boy dies the body is supposed to be buried.Since all the land in their village was flooded, so Kamal’s family decided to release his body into the river. According to a government report, 143 people died, 30 are still missing and 1.7 million were affected due to three days of rainfall. The southern parts of Nepal are mostly flat plains with wide rivers that breach their banks and flood settlements every year, causing annual loss of life and livelihoods for families like the Sadas.
फोटो अफ दि इयर जितेको फोटो।
जुन २०, २०१६ मा अफगानिस्तानको राधजधानी काबुलमा आत्मघाती बम बिस्फोटनमा परी मृत्यु भएका जितेन्द्र थापाकी पत्नी संचिता थापा त्रिभुवन अन्तर्राष्टिय विमानस्थलमा शोकविहवल अवस्थामा । उक्त घटनामा १३ जना नेपालीको ज्यान गुमाएका थिए ।
न्युज विधामा पहिलो भएको अंगद ढकालको फोटो।
A man with disability turns down a student’s help as she tries to pull him out of a flooded street near Boudha Stupa in Kathmandu. Drainage goes haywire in most places in the valley when it rains heavily. Srawan 8 2074 (July 23 2017).
न्युज विधामा दोस्रो भएको संजोग मानन्धरको फोटो।
Firefighters douse a fire after an aircraft of the US-Bangla Airlines flying from Dhaka to Kathmandu crashed while landing at Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, Nepal on Monday, March 12, 2018. According to media sources 49 people have lost their lives and 22 passengers undergoing treatments as a plane carrying 71 people crashed after landing in the wrong direction at Kathmandus Tribhuvan International Airport.
न्युज विधामा तेस्रो भएको स्कन्द गौतमको फोटो।
A woman passing by the dusty road avoid to polluted dust at Talchhikhel in Lalitpur. Nepal ranks 177 among 180 countries in terms of air quality with pollution index of 81.76. According to report released by WHO 2016, the air quality of Kathmandu is five times worse than WHO recommended guidelines.
डेली लाइफमा पहिलो भएको सुनिता डंगोलको फोटो।
Love, life and livelihood; an example of inseparable attachment between the owner and his pet – Pandavgufa, Jumla, Nepal
डेली लाइफमा दोस्रो भएको दुर्गा राना मगरको फोटो।
Commuters cross the Dodhara Chandani Suspension bridge over Mahakali river at dusk. Measuring 1,452 meters it’s the longest suspension bridge in Nepal. PHOTO: KESHAV THAPA
डेली लाइफमा तेस्रो भएको केशव थापाको फोटो।
Imagination… What I want to do, it isn’t matter. I have a dream to play with my colleagues. But I am being a living goddess. And I have a so many boundaries.
कल्चर एन्ड टुरिजममा पहिलो भएको किरण श्रेष्ठको फोटो।
Before girls from the Newar community reach their puberty they are married to the wood-apple also called Bael. It is performed before the onset of menstruation when the girl is at the age of 5, 7 or 9. The ceremony is performed to protect the girls from the stigma of widowhood. On Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017, 38 girls from Newar community in Patan gathered for the ceremony in Bangalamukhi temple .
कल्चर एन्ड टुरिजममा दोस्रो भएको दिनेश श्रेष्ठको फोटो।
Gurju’s Paltan firing a gunshot in Basantapur, Kathmandu after successfully erecting a wooden pole on the occasion of Indra Jatra.
कल्चर एन्ड टुरिजममा तेस्रो भएको अजय मानन्धरको फोटो।
A kid smiling at the camera while he swims in a pond in Kirtipur,Kathmandu on August 15,2017.
नेपाल स्माइलमा पहिलो भएको दिपेन्द्र रोक्काको फोटो
Tirtha Maya Rai, aged 100, laughs while on a walk at Nepal’s only government run old aged care home, Pashupati Briddhashram in Kathmandu, Nepal, 20 February 2017. Tirtha Maya was left by her parents at the bank of Bagmati River when she was born. Since then she has been living at this old age home and never got married. Run by the Nepalese ministry of social welfare, the home houses 221 elderly people from all over Nepal who have no one to care for them. By 2050, the number of people over 65 in Asia is predicted to triple, and while ageing populations are a global issue, Asian nations are at the visible forefront of the change. The burdens of family aged care have hit Asia especially hard, where the idea of aged care homes, is not a traditional concept for many Asian nations, as it is in the West. For those without a caring family, life can be harsh with no social system to cope with them.
नेपाल स्माइलमा दोस्रो भएको नरेन्द्र श्रेष्ठको फोटो
kids are playing on mud they are playing a type of game muddy jump . muddy game is interested.
नेपाल स्माइलमा तेस्रो भएको सुरज श्रेष्ठको फोटो
A participant of Everest marathon jumps while he practices for the major event with Mount Nuptse in the background seen from Gorakshep.
स्पोर्टसमा पहिलो भएको प्रतिक रायमाझीको फोटो
VOLLEYBALL GROUND Locals play volleyball in a small patch of clearing in Solukhumbu. Volleyball has recently been inducted as the national game of the country and is very popular in Nepal, specially in the hilly districts.
स्पोर्टसमा दोस्रो भएको रविक उपाध्यायको फोटो।
First time bike race championship competition in historical city in Bhaktapur on 2074 organized by Bhaktapur Rider group
स्पोर्टसमा तेस्रो भएको उज्वल चन्द्र बुद्धाचार्यको फोटो
Conflict between human and animals is one of the main threats to the continued survival of many species in different parts of the world, and is also a significant threat to local human populations. One horned Rhino looking towards the people who were crossing river near it carrying wood in the back at Chitwan National Park in winter afternoon. Human-animal conflict occurs when growing human populations overlap the wildlife territory likewise reduction in the availability of natural sources leads to wild animals seeking alternate sources so they came outside the forest.
नेचर एन्ड वाइल्डलाइफ पहिलो
Pratibimba a reflection of an egret that tries to catch a fish on the koshi river on mid day
नेचर एन्ड वाइल्डलाइफ दोस्रो
Security personnel arrange the stockpiles of wildlife to being burned at Chitawan National Park, Chitawan. 4012 items of 48 different wildlife were destroyed after the first time in 20 years to discourse the illegal hunting and trading of wildlife.
नेचर एन्ड वाइल्डलाइफ तेस्रो
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