Smoke and dust billow over the sky in Khokana village of Lalitpur district a couple of minutes after Nepal was hit by a magnitude 7.6 earthquake on April 25, 2015.PHOTO: RAJESH GURUNG
नेपाल फोटो पत्रकार संघ (एनएफपिजे) ले भूकम्पपछिको नेपाल शीर्षकमा फोटो प्रतियोगिता आयोजना गरेको थियो। प्रतियोगितामा छानिएका फोटोहरु यस्ता छन्।
People flee themselves during earthquake aftershock in Dhading .PHOTO: SITARAM ADHIKARIA roof of a statue being collapsed by April 25 earthquake in Tripureshwor, Kathmandu. PHOTO: NUCHHE MAN DANGOLPatan Durbar square after being collapsed by April 25 earthquake. PHOTO: RAJAN KAFLEPeople visit the site of historic Bhimsen Tower(Dharahara) after being collapsed by April 25 earthquake in Kathmandu. PHOTO: AMEET RANJITA traditional water spout after the earthquake in Kohiti, Kathmandu. PHOTO: GAUTAM KHADGIDestroyed houses seen after the earthquake in Pantang, Sindhupalchok. PHOTO: SKANDA GAUTAMRescue works in progress after April 25 earthquake in Bashantapur Durbar Square. PHOTO: PADMASAGAR KAKSHAPATITotally collapsed ancient temple after April 25 earthquake in Bhaktapur Durbar Square. PHOTO: RUCHI SHRESTHARoshan Nepali 7 and his mother Pramila Nepali being rescued minutes after the earthquake at Chobhar, Kathmandu on April 25, 2015. PHOTO: RAJESH GURUNGRescue works in progress after April 25 earthquake in Bhaktapur. PHOTO: SAROJ BADERescue works in progress after April 25 earthquake in Bhaktapur. PHOTO:SAURAB MAHARJANRoshan Nepali 7 being rescued minutes after the earthquake at Chobhar, Kathmandu on April 25, 2015. PHOTO: RAJESH GURUNGA tourist pulling his bike from the wreckage soon after the earthquake in Kathmandu Durbar Square in April 25, 2015. PHOTO: SAKSHAM REGMISurvivors being treated on the roadside ahead Bir Hospital in Kathmandu soon after earthquake on April 25, 2015. PHOTO: SAKSHAM REGMISurvivors being treated at Bir Hospital in Kathmandu soon after earthquake on April 25, 2015. PHOTO:BAL KRISHNA THAPASurvivors being treated at Bir Hospital in Kathmandu soon after earthquake on April 25, 2015. PHOTO:KISHOR SHRESTHASchool children visit their school after earthquake in Satyadevi village of Dhading district. PHOTO: SITARAM ADHIKARISchool children attend classes at a makeshift tent in Jyoti Primary School in Jharlang VDC of Dhading district. PHOTO: MANISH DUWADISchool children at Hiradevi Primary School attend class in an open sky after their school building totally collapsed by earthquake in Melamchi Municipality. PHOTO:ROSHAN SAPKOTAChildren study outside their collapsed house after April 25, 2015 earthquake in Bidur Municipality of Nuwakot district.People from Lapa, Shertung, Timling and Ri VDCs sheltering in makeshift tent after the earthquqke in Nilkantha village of Dhading district. PHOTO: MANISH DUWADIEarthquake victims reside in makeshift tents after April 25, 2015 earthquake in Tundikhel, Kathmandu. PHOTO:BAL KRISHNA THAPAEarthquake victims scuffle for popcorn at a makeshift camp in Sankhu, Kathmandu. PHOTO: SAGAR SHRESTHALocal residents take shelter in an open sky after April 25, 2015 earthquake in Basantapur, Kathmandu. PHOTO: NUCHHE MAN DANGOLA man shelters himself with his child during heavy rainfall near a makeshift camp in Bhaktapur. PHOTO: SAROJ BADE
सरोज बादेले खिचेको भारी वर्षा भैरहेको बेला पालमुनि ओत लिइरहेको भूकम्पपीडित बाबुछोरीको फोटोले २० हजार पुरस्कार जितेको छ। दि हिमालयन टाइम्सका फोटो पत्रकार स्कन्द गौतमले खिचेको भूकम्प पीडित एक परिवारले सडकमा बास लिएको फोटोले ५ हजारको सान्त्वना पुरस्कार पाएको छ। दि हिमालयन टाइम्सकै अर्का फोटोपत्रकार राजेश गुरुङले खिचेको भूकम्पले भत्काएको घरमा च्यापिएको अवस्थामा उद्धार हुँदै गरेको फोटो र भूकम्पको पहिलो झट्काले घरहरु भत्काउदै गर्दाको ललितपुरको खोकना गाउँको फोटोले सान्त्वना पुरस्कार पाएको छ।
Local residents recharge their electronics after electricity system was totally shut after April 25, 2015 earthquake in Kathmandu. PHOTO: RAJAN KAFLEA woman Searches belongings in her totally collapsed house in Bhaktapur. PHOTO: DEEPAK KC
यो फोटोले अत्यधिक दर्शकले मन पराएको फोटोको पुरस्कार जित्यो। दिपक केसीको फोटो।
Local residents flee from their houses during earthquake tremor in Ranghat of Birgung PHOTO: RAM SARRAFGiri Prasad Humagain gazes out from his partially damaged house by April 25, 2015 earthquake in Ambhanjyang of Makawanpur district.PHOTO:PANKAJ SHRESSTHAHanumandhoka after April 25, 2015 earthquake.PHOTO:UDAB KC
A mother tending to her children while sitting in an open area for safety on the day of the earthquake at Basantapur Durbar Square in Kathmandu..PHOTO:SKANDA GAUTAMBhaktapur Durbar Square entrance gate being demolished for reconstruction.PHOTO: SAGAR SHRESTHABoudhanath Stupa reconstruction works in progress after it was damaged by earthquake.PHOTO:DEEPAK KC
भूकम्पपछि पुनर्निर्माण भैरहेको काठमाठौंको बौंद्धस्थित बौद्धनाथ स्तुपको फोटोले १५ हजार पुरस्कार पाएको छ। दीपक केसीको फोटो।
Bodies of those killed in earthquake being cremated in Pashupati, Aryaghat premises the day after April 25, 2015 earthquake .PHOTO:NAWARAJ SHRESTHAA girl lights candle in memory of those killed in the earthquake in Bashantapur, Kathmandu .PHOTO:PRAKASH BUDHALIFE GOES AHEAD: Shy local children hide under their shawl while taking photograph in earthquake affected Chalish village in Dhading .PHOTO:LALA GURUNGBuildings tilted by earthquake shocks after April 25, 2015 earthquake in sano bharyang kathmandu .PHOTO:SAURAB MAHARJANDevotees offer prayers to lord Hanuman during the reconstruction at Hanumandhoka Kathmandu. PHOTO: PAWAN BALAMIRescue works in progress soon after April 25 earthquake in Kathmandu Durbar Square . PHOTO: NUCHHE MAN DANGOLBashantapur Durbar after April 25, 2015 earthquake.PHOTO:UDAB KCApsara Gajurel 40 sob after her house totally collapsed in April 25, 2015 earthquake in Bidur municipality in Nuwakot district. PHOTO: SAGAR SHRESTHABhaktapur Durbar Square after April 25, 2015 earthquake.PHOTO:UDAB KC
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