अमेरिकाको बोस्टनस्थित Revere Beach मा जुलाई २१ देखि २३ सम्म अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय बालुवा मूर्ति महोत्सव आयोजना भयो। बोस्टनमा रहेका फोटोग्राफर विमल नेपालले त्यहाँका केही झलक खिचेका छन्। हेर्नुस् ३५ फोटो
Anyone can take the photo of Sand Sculpture. I tried to capture it with people in the frame as this was from the Sand Sculpture Festival i Know everyone has different tastes and opinions and I respect them
एस्तो पनि फोटोग्राफी हुने रैछ !!! लौ हेरियो 35 phota बोस्टनको sand festival !!!
Anyone can take the photo of Sand Sculpture. I tried to capture it with people in the frame as this was from the Sand Sculpture Festival i Know everyone has different tastes and opinions and I respect them
पूर्ण रुपमा सहमत | फोटा राम्रा छैनन्
These picture are creepy. I don’t see the point of focusing people but the title is sand festival.