आज निर्वाचन आयोगले प्रधानमन्त्री प्रचण्ड र पूर्व प्रधानमन्त्री माधव नेपाललाई निर्वाचन आयोगमा आयोजित एउटा कार्यक्रममा डेमो भोट हाल्न लगायो। भोट हाल्न जानेमा पूर्व सभामुख सुवास नेम्वाङ पनि थिए। समाचार हेर्दा र बुझ्दा बेलायती भनिएको कम्पनी स्मार्टम्याटिकले आफ्नो उपकरण किन्न लगाउन गरेको प्रचार जस्तो लाग्यो। कस्तो रहेछ त यो कम्पनी? यसो इन्टरनेटतिर खोजी हेर्दा यस्तो पो भेटियो। विकिलिक्सको एउटा डकुमेन्ट यही कम्पनीको बारेमा रहेछ। त्यसमा प्रमाणित नभए पनि भेनेजुएलामा यसको मेसिन प्रयोग गर्दा फ्रड भएको शंका गरिएको रहेछ- The Smartmatic machines used in Venezuela are widely suspected of, though never proven conclusively to be, susceptible to fraud
यो कम्पनीको मुख्य मालिक पनि लुकेका रहेछन्। सानो टेक्नोलोजिक स्टार्टअपबाट सुरु भएको यो कम्पनी केही वर्षमै मार्केट प्लेयर बनेको रहेछ। नेदरल्यान्डस र बारबाडोस जस्तो देशका होल्डिङ कम्पनीहरुमार्फत् यसका वास्तविक मालिकहरु लुकेका रहेछन्-
The electronic voting company went from a small
technology startup to a market player in just a few years,
catapulted by its participation in the August 2004 recall
referendum. Smartmatic has claimed to be of U.S. origin, but
its true owners — probably elite Venezuelans of several
political strains — remain hidden behind a web of holding
companies in the Netherlands and Barbados.
भेनेजुएलाका विपक्षीहरु यही कम्पनीको मेसिनका कारण सन् २००४ मा भएको जनमत संग्रहमा पराजित भएको मान्दा रहेछन्-
. (C) Of course, the Venezuelan opposition is convinced that
the Smartmatic machines robbed them of victory in the August
2004 referendum. Since then, there have been at least eight
statistical analyses performed on the referendum results.
Most of the studies cross-check the results with those of
exit polls, the signature drives and previous election
results. One study obtained the data log from the CANTV
network and supposedly proved that the Smartmatic machines
were bi-directional and in fact showed irregularities in how
they reported their results to the CNE central server during
the referendum. (Note: The most suspicious data point in
the Smartmatic system was that the machines contacted the
server before printing their results, providing the
opportunity, at least, to change the results and defeat the
rudimentary checks set up by international observation
missions. Since August 2004, the CNE has not repeated this
practice.) These somewhat conspiratorial reports perhaps
serve to breathe life into a defeated opposition, but have
never proved conclusively the fraud (refs b and c).
फ्रडको केसबाट बचे पनि भ्रष्टाचारको केसको अर्को तगारो यो कम्पनीमाथि उठ्न सक्छ। भेनेजुएलामा सबै सामान्य प्रक्रियालाई बाइपास गरी १२ करोड ८० लाख अमेरिकी डलरको कन्ट्रयाक्ट यो कम्पनीलाई दिइएको थियो इमर्जेन्सी पर्यो भन्दै। नामै नसुनिएको र कुनै इलेक्टोरल अनुभव नभएको कम्पनीले यत्रो ठूलो कन्ट्रयाक्ट कसरी जित्यो भन्ने बारे नै प्रश्न उठेको थियो।
8. (C) If Smartmatic can escape the fraud allegation, there
is still a corruption question. Well before Smartmatic,
Venezuelan law had dictated that voting ought to be automated
to limit fraud — the U.S. company ES&S and Spanish firm
Indra had already sold systems to the electoral body. When
the new pro-Chavez CNE was named in September 2003, however,
it immediately set out to replace all existing systems.
Declaring the bid process to be an emergency (though there
was as yet no referendum scheduled), the CNE bypassed normal
procedures and initiated a closed bid process. Smartmatic
won the contract, which totaled at least US$128 million,
including the delivery of 20,000 touch-screen voting machines
(re-engineered lottery machines) yet to be built. There were
immediate questions about how a virtually unknown company
with no electoral experience could have landed such a large
नेपालमा पनि छिटो छिटो चुनाव गर्नुपर्छ भन्दै यही कम्पनीको सामान किन्न लगाउन त आज यो सब काम भएको हैन? शंका उठ्छ है शंका।
विकिलिक्सको केबल पूरा पढ्न यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुस्
त्यसमा मात्र हैन फिलिपिन्समा पनि यो कम्पनीको विश्वसनीयतामाथि प्रश्न उठेपछि यसका कर्मचारीहरुलाई देश छाडेर जान प्रतिबन्ध लगाउनु पर्ने कुरा उठेको रहेछ। पढ्नुस् स्थानीय मिडियाको समाचार
अनि आजैमात्र मनिला स्टायन्डर्डमा छापिएको रहेछ- Strange and suspicious
अनेक नौटंकी करेर कमेसन खाने ? उहिले देखी बोइंग जाहज खरिद करने देखी लियेर सान्ति सेनाका लागि बख्तरबन्द गाडी मा समेत कमेसन घिचने पापी हुन् यी
Tapae lae mannae par6 yasta khoj anusanshan ka lagi. nepal sarkar le Dhyan dela ki commission ka?
यो सब छबी लाल र उसको छोटा शहजदा को क़मेसन डकारने परपनच हो
This could be the good watch:
Why the electronic voting is bad idea.
तेसो हो भने यो मेसिन प्रयोग गर्नु हुदैन चुनाब मा | यो मेसिन नेपाल मा भित्र्याउनुको पछाडी कमिसन को खेल हुन सक्छ | भ्रस्टाचारले देश डुबायो |
तपाइले बडो गहन बिसयउठान गर्नु भयो , जुन हाम्रो नेता र कर्मचारीहरुको प्रबृत्ति सग ठ्याक्कै मेल खान्छ | यो फलोअप गर्नुपर्ने बिसय हो |