अहिले देशमा फेरि सीमाङ्कनको चर्चा चलेको छ। पहिलो संविधान सभा तुहिने कारणमध्ये एक प्रदेशहरुको सीमाङ्कन पनि थियो। दोस्रो संविधानसभाले पनि सीमाङ्कनको विषयमा निकै लफडा भोग्नुपर्यो। कयौँको त ज्यानै गयो। सीमाङ्कनलाई देश टुक्रा पार्ने रुपमा पनि धेरैले बुझ्ने गरेका छन्। नेपालमा १४ अञ्चल र ७५ जिल्लाको सेटमा बसेकोले अखण्ड अञ्चल, अखण्ड जिल्लाको आन्दोलन चलेको थियो। अहिले घोषणा भइसकेको प्रदेश पनि अखण्ड हुनुपर्ने भन्दै आन्दोलन भइरहेको छ।
नेपाललाई १४ अञ्चल र ७५ जिल्लामा विभाजन गर्दा झन् कति गाह्रो भयो होला? त्यतिबेला त झन् केही पनि थिएन। खाली नक्सामा कोर्नुपर्ने थियो सीमा। २०१९ मंसिर ५ गते तत्कालीन राजा महेन्द्रको पालामा सरकारले यस्तो निर्णय गरेको हो। तर यसलाई राजपत्रमा प्रकाशित गरी सार्वजनिक भने एक महिनापछि मात्रै गरियो।
सूचनामा १४ अञ्चल, अञ्चलको सदरमुकाम, जिल्ला र जिल्लाको सदरमुकाम र त्यसभित्र पर्ने भूभागहरुको नाम उल्लेख थियो। एउटा रोचक कुरा- त्यतिबेला ७५ वटा जिल्ला हैन विकास जिल्ला घोषणा गरिएको थियो।
आउनुस् हेरौँ त्यतिबेलाको ऐतिहासिक दुर्लभ राजपत्र-
The five development region of Nepal is sufficient to make 5 states now too. Why do we need 6 or 7 or 10 states even though the size of Nepal is 53 times smaller than Australia which has only 6 states? So, the division of Nepal at that time was more scientific and done with broad thinking as Terai, hills and mountains are still co-related with each other. Nowadays, in Nepal, it is trying to be divided and separated from each Nepali to other. All these are happening these days are only the drama and bad game of politics for the hot seats, nothing else.
FYI: Australia has 8 states i.e. namely 6 states and 2 territories! Australia is as big as Nepal in terms of population. States are named after County in the UK with new, like New South Wales. Australia is acknowledging and beginning to name its places with original indigenous names such as Barangaroo, adjunct to Darling Harbor etc.
Yes, Australia is divided into 6 states and 2 territories and the size of both the countries i.e.; Australia and Nepal in terms of population is similar. Then, why do we need more states even though the land is 53 times smaller? All these are happening only for the political game only. (The discussion here is only about the number state, nothing else.)
Why do we need federalism? is the main question here I guess. Well, in two words, for “good governance”!One of the means for good governance is to reach out to its people! So the people is in the center always. In Australia, to get to one geographical place to other would not take more than a day or two the most. But we can not say the same thing for Nepal. Hence we need a localised governance system i.e. federalism for a justifiable distribution of the developments and resources! It’s not a scary-cat at all. Over to you.
त्यो कोरिएको , यो कोराइयेको |
त्यो लेखिएको , यो लेखाइएको |
महेन्द्रले यति गरिदिएका रहेछन र त अहिले सजिलै यो जिल्ला र त्यो जिल्ला भन्दै झगडा गर्न पाएका छन्। आफै सिमाङ्कन गर्न परेको भए यिनको हावा मात्रै होइन प्राण नै फुस्किने थियो।
पहिलेकाे र अहिलेकाे परिस्थिति फरक छ, पहिले राजाले देश चलाएका थिए अहिले भारतिय दलालहरुले देश चलाऊछ।