यस वर्षको पिजे क्लब नेपाल फोटो प्रतियोगिता २०७३ को एक लाख रुपैयाँ नगदसहितको फोटो अफ दि इयर अवार्ड फोटो पत्रकारले हैन, पत्रकारहरुले पनि नचिनेका एमेच्योर फोटोग्राफरले जिते- दीपकरत्न बज्राचार्य। संकटा मन्दिरका पुजारी। स्वयम्भूमा वैशाख १२ गते भूकम्प आउँदै गर्दाको क्षण र त्यो त्रासलाई फोटोले क्याप्चर गरेको छ। प्रोफेसनल फोटोग्राफरहरुले डाहा गरेर फोटो मोबाइल खिचेको ठाने पनि यो फोटो सेभेन डी क्यामेराले खिचेको बज्राचार्य बताउँछन्। यस पटक मेरो फोटोले पनि स्पोर्ट्स विधाको तेस्रो अवार्ड जितेको छ। हेरौँ पुरस्कार जित्ने फोटोहरु
8 thoughts on “हेर्नुस् एक लाख जित्ने फोटो र अरु विभिन्न विधामा पुरस्कार जित्ने फोटोहरु”
विभत्स-दृश्यमा दौडिरहेका कथा-तस्विर नै प्रथम, कसरि (!) हामीसंग अरु प्राकृतिक रंग, छाया, मिलन, संघर्ष, विम्ब पनि छन् त यार..!
फोटाहरु राम्रै हुन् तर मलाई अलि कन्फ्युज लागेको फोटो चाही न्युज विधामा दोस्रा हुने राजेश गुरुङ जीका फोटो बैशाख को भूकम्प पछी लिएको भन्दा पत्याउन गाह्रो पर्यो , काठमाडौँ उपत्यकामा बैशाख-जेष्ठमा कुन बालीनाली हो खेत बारीमा ? सबै हरियै छ त् , अनि धान जस्तो पहेलो बाली पनि देखियो अनि रुखहरुका पात कुनै पनि बैसाखका जस्ता छैनन् कतै फोटो अरुनै समयमा लिएर इडिट गरेको त हैन ? शंका निवारण गर्दिनु हुन्थ्योकी कसैले !
Anyway good beginning but not inclusive. I wonder who the judges were? I have seen better photos in social media from Nepalese photographer who are more over like an artist than a photographer. If this is a real treasure hunt then those artist should be included and their art should be honored. Organizer should explore. – Honest comment and congratulation from outside of the box.looks like most of the awards are given to only journalists also the rule said just simple editing and the 1st prize winning picture in Nepal smiles clearly vignetting is added there. Nepal smiles 3rd prize is that a smile? also on sports this year we won saaf which is a national pride some pictures should have been included from that event whereas the picture in sports seemed more like daily life. Also i think a category of Fine art should have been included where photographers can experiment and show their imaginations. I hope it gets better in future days and be more outside the box. Only photojournalists are not photographers but we are humans and we sure will be biased as most of the jury certainly knew most of winners maybe they should have a very fair jury next time but saying that i also would like to point forward that maybe many people did not submit their work all i wanted to say was i have seen better works from Nepalese photographers.
well-thought comments, I pretty much agree with you. One think to be pointed out though: “I have seen better photos in social media from Nepalese photographer who are more over like an artist than a photographer. If this is a real treasure hunt then those artist should be included and their art should be honored”, I think this is an open competition (open to every Nepali) and the registration is not through invitation.. Moreover, the idea behind the event might be to expose the hidden talents in the area of photography so that they also feel like they can be professional photographer or photo journalist.. So, inviting great ( so called…??) photo journalists to the events doesn’t make much sense to me…sorry brother….There is no way to include every talent in any competition in any part of the world. You (participant) should look for opportunity by themselves……..
🙂 🙂 🙂
thank you Vicky dev for your generous comment what i wanted to point out is there are way lot more better photographers than the ones portrayed here in this contest & that´s it. and at the end i have clearly pointed out that maybe those ones did not submit their photos and when u bracketed out . So, inviting great ( so called…??) they have never called themselves great or anything like that that is just my personal opinion, the competition itself has not even followed their guidelines how can we expect them to include them other photographers by inviting. all in all it seemed like photojournalists from Nepal giving away prizes to their friends all i meant to say was this should be more inclusive and fair.
All the picture which are selected as winner in PJ club are the picture which are suite for News category or which can be represented as news in newspaper . there were much more photo good artistic photographs submitted by hobbyist photographer which never get selected even for display in PJ club competition
One of the important picture do not have descriptive caption. For the photographer it may have become just a fun shot but for natural scientist it has many and deep meaning.
विभत्स-दृश्यमा दौडिरहेका कथा-तस्विर नै प्रथम, कसरि (!) हामीसंग अरु प्राकृतिक रंग, छाया, मिलन, संघर्ष, विम्ब पनि छन् त यार..!
फोटाहरु राम्रै हुन् तर मलाई अलि कन्फ्युज लागेको फोटो चाही न्युज विधामा दोस्रा हुने राजेश गुरुङ जीका फोटो बैशाख को भूकम्प पछी लिएको भन्दा पत्याउन गाह्रो पर्यो , काठमाडौँ उपत्यकामा बैशाख-जेष्ठमा कुन बालीनाली हो खेत बारीमा ? सबै हरियै छ त् , अनि धान जस्तो पहेलो बाली पनि देखियो अनि रुखहरुका पात कुनै पनि बैसाखका जस्ता छैनन् कतै फोटो अरुनै समयमा लिएर इडिट गरेको त हैन ? शंका निवारण गर्दिनु हुन्थ्योकी कसैले !
Congrats to the blogger of this site on your achievement/award.. Keep it up.
Anyway good beginning but not inclusive. I wonder who the judges were? I have seen better photos in social media from Nepalese photographer who are more over like an artist than a photographer. If this is a real treasure hunt then those artist should be included and their art should be honored. Organizer should explore. – Honest comment and congratulation from outside of the box.looks like most of the awards are given to only journalists also the rule said just simple editing and the 1st prize winning picture in Nepal smiles clearly vignetting is added there. Nepal smiles 3rd prize is that a smile? also on sports this year we won saaf which is a national pride some pictures should have been included from that event whereas the picture in sports seemed more like daily life. Also i think a category of Fine art should have been included where photographers can experiment and show their imaginations. I hope it gets better in future days and be more outside the box. Only photojournalists are not photographers but we are humans and we sure will be biased as most of the jury certainly knew most of winners maybe they should have a very fair jury next time but saying that i also would like to point forward that maybe many people did not submit their work all i wanted to say was i have seen better works from Nepalese photographers.
well-thought comments, I pretty much agree with you. One think to be pointed out though: “I have seen better photos in social media from Nepalese photographer who are more over like an artist than a photographer. If this is a real treasure hunt then those artist should be included and their art should be honored”, I think this is an open competition (open to every Nepali) and the registration is not through invitation.. Moreover, the idea behind the event might be to expose the hidden talents in the area of photography so that they also feel like they can be professional photographer or photo journalist.. So, inviting great ( so called…??) photo journalists to the events doesn’t make much sense to me…sorry brother….There is no way to include every talent in any competition in any part of the world. You (participant) should look for opportunity by themselves……..
🙂 🙂 🙂
thank you Vicky dev for your generous comment what i wanted to point out is there are way lot more better photographers than the ones portrayed here in this contest & that´s it. and at the end i have clearly pointed out that maybe those ones did not submit their photos and when u bracketed out . So, inviting great ( so called…??) they have never called themselves great or anything like that that is just my personal opinion, the competition itself has not even followed their guidelines how can we expect them to include them other photographers by inviting. all in all it seemed like photojournalists from Nepal giving away prizes to their friends all i meant to say was this should be more inclusive and fair.
All the picture which are selected as winner in PJ club are the picture which are suite for News category or which can be represented as news in newspaper . there were much more photo good artistic photographs submitted by hobbyist photographer which never get selected even for display in PJ club competition
One of the important picture do not have descriptive caption. For the photographer it may have become just a fun shot but for natural scientist it has many and deep meaning.