बिहे भन्ने बित्तिकै तपाईँ के सम्झनुहुन्छ? एउटा भव्य समारोह। दुलहा, दुलही अनि पार्टी। परम्परागत चलन। छोरी अन्माउने, बुहारी भित्र्याउने।
काठमाडौँ फोटोग्राफर संघले विवाहमा खिचिएका फोटोहरुको कम्पिटिसन भर्खरै गरेको छ। ६ सयभन्दा बढी फोटोबाट छानियो सर्वोत्कृष्ट फोटो। सर्वोत्कृष्टमा पर्यो दुलही रुँदै गरेको फोटो। अरु कस्ता कस्ता फोटोले अवार्ड जित्यो त? हेर्नुस् टप टेन फोटो।
बबरमहलस्थित आर्ट काउन्सिलमा अहिले उत्कृष्ट १०० फोटोको प्रदर्शनी भइरहेको छ। २०६९ सालदेखि यो प्रतियोगिता सुरु भएको हो।
यस पटकको फोटो अवार्डमा गौरव रिजालको यो फोटोले पहिलो स्थान हात पार्यो।
नन्द श्रेष्ठको यो फोटोले दोस्रो स्थान पायो।
यसैगरी तेस्रो स्थानमा सन्देश प्रजापतिको यो फोटो परेको छ।
प्रथम हुने फोटोग्राफरलाई अवार्डसहित क्याननको डिएसएलआर ७० डि क्यामेरा प्रदान गरिएको छ भने दोस्रो हुने फोटोग्राफरलाई क्याननको ७५० डि क्यामेरा।
टप टेनमा परेका बाँकी फोटोहरु-
तपाईँलाई भने कुन फोटो राम्रो लाग्यो त? तपाईँ निर्णायक हुनुभएको भए कुन फोटोलाई अवार्ड दिनुहुन्थ्यो? आफ्नो कमेन्ट तल लेख्न सक्नुहुन्छ।
कसैको बिले को अल्बम जस्तो …..टप टेन सबै बिहे मात्रै २ नम्बर को अलि फरक भए नि बिहे कै जन्ती …..
सबै हिन्दु परम्पराका रान! अरु चै खोइ? मलाई मन परेन ९०%!!! जित्ने भन्दा अरु बेटर छन्! शुभ होस!
@Max – There is no difference between Bramhan culture and tradition ;and Indian . So, above pictures represent genuine Nepalese wedding .
The question in this debate is about the representation of various cultures and ethnicity through these pictures. These pictures represent Nepalese wedding (as Newar is also Nepali) but do not represent various cultures and ethnicity. There is no question about Brahmin or Kshetry or Newar. Here, we are not talking whether the pictures represent Nepali wedding or Indian wedding.
दोस्रो भएको फोटो मलाई मन अर्यो,
I don’t fine any “wow” in Any photos.hope to see better photos in upcoming exhibition.
When I saw these photos… It came to my mind… why only newari marriage photo are in competition… Thanks @Max bringing up your thoughts.
Oh, come on … I’m not a Newar but l think all of these pictures represent a typical Nepali marriage ceremony that transcends various cultures and ethnicity. The emotions of a father seeing off his daughter, the tearful eyes of a bride, and a bit of fun … Excellent pictures.
Of course, the Newari marriage is also Nepali marriage but it represents the Newari photos only so there is not the representation of various cultures and ethnicity through these photos. Thank you very much Dear Kamal for your appreciation to me.
However, the Newari cultural is Nepali culture but this competition does not represent the various cultures and ethnicity. Thank you Dear Kamal for appreciation.
No doughts… Photos are awesome. The one father is crying touched me more. But I am missing photos in the contest from…
Madheshi…and other ethnicity
I love to see picture in the contest as much as from different diversity.
Samir Prajapati’s photo reflects the marriage between tradition and technology. That photo deserved at least the 3rd place, IMO.
Pictures are very nice but it looks as the Newari marriage photo competition so the competition should be titled “Newari marriage photo competition”.