इन्धन लगायत अन्य अत्यावश्यक वस्तुको आपूर्तिमा अवरोध खडा गरेर नाकाबन्दी होइन भन्दै दुनियाँको आँखामा छारो हाल्न खोज्ने भारतलाई आज अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय धक्का परेको छ। संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघका महासचिव बान कि मुनले आपूर्तिमा अवरोधबारे चिन्ता व्यक्त गर्दै भूपरिवेष्ठित देशका रुपमा नेपालको पारवहन अधिकारको समर्थन गरेको वक्तव्य आयो। यो वक्तव्य उनका प्रवक्ता Stéphane Dujarric ले पढेर सुनाएका थिए। के भनेका थिए उनले भिडियो हेर्नुस्-
And a couple of answers to questions. We had been asked previously about the situation in Nepal. I can say that the Secretary-General indeed reiterates his concern over the obstruction of essential supplies on the Nepal-India border. Acute shortages in fuel supplies continue to impede planned deliveries to earthquake-affected villages in Nepal. Humanitarian organizations urgently require fuel to maintain operations and deliver food, warm clothing and shelter materials to high altitude areas that will soon be cut off by harsh winter weather. The Secretary-General underlines Nepal’s right of free transit, as a landlocked nation as well as for humanitarian reasons, and calls on all sides to lift the obstructions without further delay.
You all are driven by Indian foreign policy. We doubt about your existence. So stop pretending your existence by releasing your double standard speech. Its totally worthless.