संविधान सभा सचिवालयले आजदेखि लागू भएको नेपालको संविधान सार्वजनिक गरेको छ। राष्ट्रपति रामवरण यादवले असोज ३ गते जारी गरेको यो संविधानसँगै अन्तरिम संविधान २०६३ खारेज भएको छ।
पढ्नुस् संविधानको आधिकारिक प्रति-
A Nepali blog running since 2005. Seen by many as an antidote to mainstream media
संविधान सभा सचिवालयले आजदेखि लागू भएको नेपालको संविधान सार्वजनिक गरेको छ। राष्ट्रपति रामवरण यादवले असोज ३ गते जारी गरेको यो संविधानसँगै अन्तरिम संविधान २०६३ खारेज भएको छ।
पढ्नुस् संविधानको आधिकारिक प्रति-
Above comments please read three level of political structures as Federal, Territory and local level.
Thanks to provide opportunity to read New constitution of Nepal 2072 on line. I am very happy to read this new constitution 2072. Welcome and thanks for all political parties and people representatives. Wishing great success for people of Nepal Briefly, I read it is comprehensive and coverage all aspects of people wish and desires however it is not complete and a lot of rooms to adopt people wish and desires .
According to “New Nepal constitution 2072” there are three 3 political structures mentioned as federal, Territory/ Province. District level political structure is no more exist according to New constitution 2072 but why mentioning District Assembly under annex-8 serial number 12 for management of local level authority lists? Is it District assembly exist?