-सञ्जीव न्यौपाने-
केही दिनअघि शनिबार विदाको दिन पारेर म राइजिङ मलनजिकै रहेको डल्ले रेस्टुरेन्टमा गएको थिएँ। रेस्टुरेन्टको मुख्य प्रवेश द्वारमा राइस करी कम्बो १८८ रुपैयाँदेखि सुरु हुने लेखिएको थियो। त्यहाँ कुनै कन्डिसन अप्लाइड वा अरु लेखिएको थिएन। त्यो भन्नुको अर्थ कुनै शर्त त्यहाँ थिएन। यो देखेपछि सबैले थाहा पाउने कुरा हो कि एउटा कम्बो १८९ रुपैयाँमा पाइन्छ।
म एक जना साथीसहित त्यहाँ गएको थिएँ। त्यसैले हामीले दुई वटा कम्बो मगायौँ। जब हामीले बिल माग्यौँ, अचम्ममा पर्यौँह। बिल त ५६६ रुपैयाँ ८० पैसाको पो थियो।
सामान्य रुपमा सोच्ने हो भने दुई वटा कम्बोको मूल्य १८९ X २ = ३७८ र त्यसमा ट्याक्स जोड्दा करिब ४६० रुपैयाँ हुनुपर्ने हो। तर बिल त ५६६ रुपैयाँको पो थियो।
त्यहाँ म्यानेजमेन्टको कोही थिएन। त्यसैले मैले वेटरलाई भने बिल त ४५०-५०० रुपैयाँको आउनुपर्छ भ्याट र सर्भिस चार्ज जोडेर। ५ सयभन्दा बढी त हुनै सक्दैन।
तर वेटरले रुखो व्यवहार देखाउँदै क्यालकुलेटर निकालेर ५६६ रुपैयाँ कसरी भयो देखायो। मैले मेन गेटमा करी कम्बोको १८९ रुपैयाँ लेखेको बताएँ। उसले भने मेनु राम्रोसँग हेर्नुपर्ने बतायो।
मैले भनेँ, म यहाँ बाहिरको मेन ब्यानरको प्रमोसन देखेर खान आएको हुँ। उसले मलाई हाम्रो मेन मेनु हेर्नुपर्ने बतायो। बाहिर लेखिएको मोल गलत रहेको र त्यसलाई मिलाउनु पर्ने भन्दै माफी माग्नुको सट्टा उसले मलाई नै गलत साबित गर्ने प्रयत्न गरिरह्यो।
भित्रको मेनुमा चिकेन करीको १८९+५९ लेखिएको रहेछ। त्यसमा पनि ट्याक्स जोड्दा एउटा चिकेन करीको नै करिब २८८ रुपैयाँ पर्न आउने रहेछ। ग्राहकको गोजीबाटै जाने भएकोले करको पनि हिसाब जोडिनु पर्छ। मेनुमा करसहितको रकम हालेर यो आइटमको यति रुपैयाँ पर्छ भन्यो भने उनीहरुको के जान्छ? अरु देशतिर जस्तोसुकै चलन होस्, उपभोक्ताले सही मूल्य जान्न पाउनु उसको हक हो। करसहितको रकम उपभोक्तालाई अग्रिम जानकारी गराउन हामीले दबाब दिनुपर्छ।
मलाई थाहा छैन यो विषयमा कहाँ गुनासो गर्न जानुपर्ने हो। गुनासो गरे पनि त्यसमा कारबाही हुने हो कि हैन। तर यो ब्लगमार्फत् म सचेत गराउन चाहन्छु, डल्लेले आफ्नो मूल्य बाहिर एउटा भित्र अर्को राखेर झुक्याउन पाउँदैन। बाहिरै स्पष्ट रुपमा यसको मूल्य यति भनेर लेख्नुपर्छ। ग्राहक झुक्याएर गरेको व्यापार दीगो हुँदैन। यसतर्फ सचेत रहन म डल्ले रेस्टुरेन्टका व्यवस्थापक र ग्राहकहरुलाई पनि अनुरोध गर्छु।
[अपडेट : यो ब्लग प्रकाशित भएपछि डल्ले व्यवस्थापनले माफी माग्दै स्पष्टिकरण दिएको छ। पढ्न यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुस्]
I do not think any wrong to restaurant side. The who person who go to restaurant for food and able to put coment in blog should capable to understand the meenu. this is business policy to increase customer. every business has own right the promote business with attractive advertise.
Being expensive doesnt make you feel quality delivery. And customers dont get confused that quality is not just the taste of the food its the service delivery, management, staffing and training, getting feedback.
Many dumb fellas in nepal ignore academicians and researches, they are pre occupied by the perception that experience is all in all. Have u ever tried to consult any researchers and marketers about making your business better? Western are already there because they implement the academic researches in great deal. Just a thought.
I live in china . I have never paid extra amount in any of the chinese restaurant except the price mentioned outside the restaurant. No matter the restaurant is big or small .
and nepal has always been in this condition 10% tax and 13% vat and bla bla . when you get into restaurant to eat food , it wont digest well after looking through the bill.
the total price of the food item should be mentioned outside well with an intension of better service
it reminded me om veg momo in delhi bajar before many years
momo per plate 10 rupees and when we ate , they said 30 rupees ,
they said its price after 7pm . hahah . pissed off ..
दलले साहुजी अर्को रेस्टुरेन्ट खोल्ने हो कि?
हाम्रो नेपालमा जहाँ जाउँ पसल, सार्वजनिक यातायात , restaurant , बैंक कतै पनि “customer service ” को value छैन/ एस्तो लाग्छ कि म पसलमा “फ्री ” मा सामान किन्दैछु, “फ्री ” मा सार्वजनिक यातायात चड्दै छु , “फ्री” मा restaurant खाजा/खाना खादैछु …….जय नेपाल
कानून नै नभएको देश मा सरकार नै ठग लुटेरा छ भने सायद सरकार को तर्फ़ बाट यो डल्ले भन्ने ठग restaurant लाई पदक पो दिने हो कि ???
i am very regular guest of Dalle restaurant and I have no words to express my satisfaction about Dalle’s in term of its delicacies and service.
we even know the fact when the entire family of Dalle restaurant put there hands together in earthquake intact and still helping our nation recovery.
i personally know the boss of this restaurant who is very down to earth and takes Dalle as his baby property among all and gratefully welcome guests suggestion as a result he instantly rectified it in outside banner promotion board.
In hospitality industries there r plenty of errors could take place and it doesn’t mean we just post on social media….if i were in Sanjeev Neupane sir shoe, i would talk to the owner and help him to rectify this matter…if i am rival or having ill intention then probably i would post on social media.
i strongly recomend everyone to visit this place as this is must go place in kathmandu..
I strongly disagree because cheating is cheating and there is no way you can justify it. And honestly, i don’t think the blogger would have had any ill intention towards dalle or all those associated to it. Rather, i would think of him as an individual who cares enough for his fellow citizens and posted this on social media for it is one of the most powerful tools of communication today having a wide reach. Also, since you seem to have pretty close ties to the owner wouldn’t it be nice for you to bring this incident into his notice.
नेपाल मा customer service भन्ने कुरा कहिँ पनि देखिन्न. बैंक देखि होटेल restaurant सम्म. मलाई कोइ restaurant owner ले please भन्नु होला भ्याट त लेगल हो तर Service १०% चै किन तिर्ने ग्राहक ले. तेस्तै होभने jeera तेल नुन बिजुली pani सबैको clear छुट्टै price लेखेर बिल बनाउनु नि.
सबै भन्दा चित्त नाबुज्झने कुरा
Service charge ma pani VAT lagcha. Testo pani niyam huncha?
If the service charge is not optional, which is not in this case as they say they have stated clearly in the menu that 10% service charge is payable, then VAT is applicable on the service charge too.
VAT रकम र Service charge नजोडेको मूल्य menu मा राख्नु नै ठगी जस्तो लाग्छ आफूलाई त। झन् promo मा एउटा मूल्य र bill मा अर्को मूल्य हुनुलाई के भन्ने। फेरि VAT जोडेपछि bill मा VAT percent, VAT रकम लेखेको नि हुन्न। यस्तो bill लिएर प्रहरीमा उजुरी हाल्न पाइन्छ कि पाइन्न? कोही business law पढेका साथीहरुले comment गर्दिम् यस्तो cases मा के के गर्न मिल्छ भनेर।
In the US, and many countries, TAX is not added to the price displayed. TAX is a matter of law and the governing Act mentions how price needs to be displayed. So, we should not judge anyone just because TAX has not been included in the price. Do what the law says in this regard. I don’t see the restaurant at fault.
The calculation above does seem consistent with how all the restaurants in Nepal do. I don’t see the restaurant at fault.
The display outside the restaurant seems consistent as rice curry and combo is as displayed on the board. The blogger went for chicken curry. EXPENSIVE. I don’t see the restaurant at fault.
About the rude behavior of staff, he may need some training in how to deal with customers. The customer is not an easy one, but then such is restaurant industry. The management needs to teach staff how to deal with customers irrespective of who is right and wrong.
Everyone is talking against this restaurant. I don’t know this restaurant, or the owner. I see everyone is against the restaurant management and the owner. But then its typical “Nepali” attitude. “Mob Mentality”
At Mangalbazar, there is a restaurant called Layeku having two menus one for the foreigners and other for Nepali people. If you are a Nepali and go to the restaurant along with your friends from foreign countries, you too will be charged as a foreigner. There are many ways to cheat customers in Nepal.
कस्टमर सर्भिस को मर्म नबुझ्ने ले दोकान ब्यापार गरेसी गोलखाडि मात्रै हैन उठिबास हुने सम्भाबना हुञ्छ…
घराँ बसेर गुन्द्रुक र भात नखा’र के का कुखुरो र भात खान डल्ले साउकाँ गा’का तनी न्यौपाने दाइ ! ६६ रूप्पेले त घरमै गुन्द्रुक र भात हसुरन पुगिहाल्थ्यो नि, बेकाराँ ५०० बढी फालेर आ’चौ !
सेवा शुल्क र भ्याट सबै जोडेर मूल्य मेनुमा राख्नु पर्यो नि, ग्राहकले गोजीमा १००० रुपिया छ भनेर ९५० को खाना मगायो भने भ्याट र सेसु जोडे’सी पैसो पुगेन, अनि खा’को खाना ओकल्ने? समान भए पैसो पुगेन, लान्न भन्न पाइयो, खाना खाइसके’सि पैसो नपुगे क्यार्नी? कि पैल्यै क्यालकुलेटर “अठ्याउनु” परो /
Dear Mr. Neupane, This is the first time someone has had to face an unpleasant experience due to the banner placed outside. The management team of Dall’e would like to apologise for this oversight, although unintended. We shall take this matter seriously and rectify the misleading information as soon as possible and we also apologise for the rudeness you felt from our staff.
Yes the board outside clearly says rice curry combos starting at nrs.188 which we do have at nrs.188. Veg curry rice being nrs.129 +nrs.59 for a combo which includes a side of Alu dum and a choice of drink and also our menu clearly states all menu items are subject to 10%svc charge and 13%vat. Yes our outside board does not mention 10%svc and 13%vat for which we are extremely sorry, but these days u pretty much pay the tax and service charge in every restaurant u go to. In your case you have ordered a chicken curry rice at nrs.169 and an additional combo of nrs. 59 which amounts to a total of nrs.228 +nrs.22.8 service charge +nrs.32.6 which totals to nrs. 283.4. This is what we have charged u for exactly the price stated on every menu on every table in the restaurant. On our defense we are sure that we have not cheated you or the thousands of customers we have been serving for the past three and a half years.As far as the issue with the 10% service charge and the 13%vat not being specified on the bill we have a certified approval from the government for providing bills to customers in this format. We also provide bills specifying separate Vat/ service charge if requested and because of the 10% service charge we have 30 employees making a decent living in Nepal who don’t have to go abroad looking for better opportunities!
So we think you have no right to call us a fraud or cheat. We kindly request u to get your facts right before making accusations. We would also like to formally invite you and you family for a sponsored meal at Dall’e as a token of appreciation!
I don’t think this ia a plausible excuse. How do you train your employees? Is this the way to behave? Don’t you think around 250 is a hefty amount for a meal and if a customer decides to pay that, then it’s not only for food but also a pleasant environment. Doesn’t matter how your food tastes if your response is ill-behaved! If we have to assume besides than what is displayed on the flex by you, so we would assume that motive behind this is cheating. We don’t have to look menuband inquire for everything, we are there for food and good time not to take exam. If your waiter had expalined it beforehand the puzzle of combo, this wouldn’t have happened. Since he didn’t now what we call this? Negligence, ignorance, megalomanism of your goodwill? What do you say sir?
P. S. I didn’t know there is separate addition of taxes in all restaurants, as many of them add them before and put the net value.
माथिको घटना त तपाइले बिज्ञापन निकाल्दा सोचाई जस्तै भयछ . बधाई छ १८८ देखाई भित्र बोलाउने टेबलमा बसेपछि त………………..ईमान्दार बिज्ञापन र सही सेवा नै तपाइको सफलता हो नबिर्सनुस.
Its really surprising that you did not speak anything about behavior of your staffs, I believe it is more crucial matter than anything else.
Please consider who walks in to your restaurant to pay 200+ for a meal walks in for pleasant environment rather than just food itself. I think you would agree to the fact that the same quantity and taste of food can be found also on much cheaper place, but people agree to pay such premium place because they value and agree to pay for better dining environment, courtesy of the staffs and pleasant dining experience.
If you clearly tries to avoid that concern and just spend your paragraph on excusing for billing details, which are relatively less matters for those who walks in on those restaurants, then rather its better to avoid such restaurants.
Your apology is surely the greatest thing that you have done but at the same time you should consider directing your employees to be well behaved and sincere to their work.
I tell you this because, I have faced the same thing a year ago at your restaurant. The lean waiter with his rude speech “मेनु मा लेखेको छ त मेनु मा पढ्नुस न !” was epic! 🙂 Definitely I know how to read and write and believe me this was my last time to dalle.
kathmandu को dashai ghar भन्ने hotel ले मलाई 2 वर्षअगाडि price अर्कै भनेर खाइसकेपछि service charge भन्दै ज्यादा पैसा लिएको थियो
यो त एउटा सानो उदाहरण मात्र हो यस्ता ठग्ने व्यवसायहरु प्रशस्तै छन् नेपालमा अनि तपाई हामी जस्तो सोझा साझाले गुनासो गर्नुपर्ने ठाउँ पनि छैन र गुनासो गरिहाल्यो भने पनि सुन्नेवाला कोही छैन । अनि अर्काेकुरा “ customer service” को भ्याल्यू नेपालमा कहिल्यै हुदैन । नेपालका कानून दैब जानून् ।
१ नम्बर को ठग हुन् यो रेस्टुरा चलाउनेहरु | म पनि ठगि को सिकार मा परेको छु |
This is totally unfair. If the rates are different then they have to make changes in the outer lay as well. They cant just do so. The food over there is delicious but still this incident cant be ignored.They cant misguide general public.
पहिला इन्डिया तिर लाग्ने मेला मा “एक का दो” भन्दै प्रचार गर्ने ठाउ बाट समान किन्यो भने १ वटा समान को २ रुपैया भनेर ठगथ्यो ! देखाउदा रु एक को २ वटा भनेर देखाउथ्यो ! त्येही झल्को आयो !
भारतमा पनि यसरी नै बाहिर एउटा मूल्य र तिर्ने बेला अर्कै हुन्छ। पश्चिमा मुलुकहरुमा चाहिँ पहिले नै ट्याक्स जोडेको अन्तिम मूल्य राखिएको हुन्छ। हाम्रोमा भने उपभोक्तालाई झुक्याएर ठग्ने चलन छ।
१३ प्रतिशत भ्याट र १० प्रतिशत सेवा सुल्क जोड्दा पनि ४६२ मात्रै हुन्छ, बिज्ञापन अनुसार त
हरे शिव……… मान्छेका दिमाग पनि कस्ता कस्ता …..दिमाग कस्ता हुन् कि आँखा कस्ता …ब्यानरमा चिकेन कम्बोको १८८ भनेर कहाँ लेखेको छ? राइस करीको भनेको छ . मेनुमा प्रस्टै छ त चिकेन राइस लाइ १८९ पर्छा भनेर