२०५८ साल जेठ १९ गते नारायणहिटी राजदरबारमा गोली चल्यो। राजा वीरेन्द्रको वंशनाश भयो। देशै शोकमा डुब्यो। यता नेपालीहरु शोकमा डुब्दा उता सात समुद्रपार अमेरिकाको एउटा प्रतिष्ठित पत्रिका न्युयोर्क टाइम्सका सम्पादकहरु भने यसरी जोक गरिरहेका रहेछन्।
नारायणहिटीमा युवराज दीपेन्द्रले गोली चलाएको भनिएको थियो। उता भने न्युयोर्क टाइम्सका विचार सम्पादक Andrew Rosenthal थिए खेलौना एम १६ बन्दूक समाउने। साथमा हातमा वाइन पनि।
अरु पत्रकारहरु भने त्यहाँ नक्कली रगत लुगामा राखेर बसिरहेका देखिन्छन्।
यो जुन २००१ को फोटो रहेछ। त्यही बेला नारायणहिटी हत्याकान्ड भएको थियो। फोटोको क्यालेन्डरमा जुन २००१ नै देखिएको छ।
न्युयोर्क टाइम्समा काम गर्ने एक जना पुराना कर्मचारीले यो फोटो लिक गरेपछि गकरले अनलाइनमा हालिदिएको हो। न्युयोर्क टाइम्स अल्मुनी नामको फेसबुक ग्रुपमा पुराना कर्मचारी Anne Cronin ले यो फोटो सेयर गरेका रहेछन्।
यो फोटो सार्वजनिक भएपछि न्युयोर्क टाइम्सका प्रकाशकले फोटो खराब टेस्टको रहेको र पत्रिकाको मूल्यमान्यतासँग मेल नखाने बताउँदै गहिरो खेद जनाएका छन्।
अढ़ाई करोड़ जनतामा शासन गर्नुपर्ने मान्छेले आफ्नै परिवारको तेति जनालाइ तेस्तो निर्दियि तरीकाले मार्न सक्छ भने, यो एउटा पागल कुइरे लाई गालिगरेर के गर्नु/
आफ्नै सहकर्मिहरुद्वारा “Bullying and petty (“हेपाहा”, “दुच्छर”, “अत्यन्त छोटो मन भएको”), “lazy” (अल्छी), “vindictive” (बदलाको भावनाले संधै प्रेरित), “arrogant” (घमण्डी) भनेर वर्णन गरिएको यो काइते पितपत्रकार Andrew Rosenthal को के कुरा गर्नु /
जेसुकै होस् जोसुकै होस् , एकै ठाउँमा यतिजना मानिसहरु यस्तो विभत्स रुपले मारिंदा यस्तो सस्तो र भद्दा हाँसो ठट्टा गर्न सक्ने यो पितपत्रकार Andrew Rosenthal कति मानवताविहीन रहेछ भनेर आज सारा संसारले देखे।
यहाँ पढ्नुस: http://observer.com/2014/02/the-tyranny-and-lethargy-of-the-times-editorial-page/
अनि यहाँ : http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2014/02/even-the-new-york-times-hates-the-new-york-times.php
This is why Americans are hated world wide.
Andrew Rosenthal, the perpetrator of this sick photograph, is a well known talentless idiot, who got his job ONLY because of his father, A.M. Rosenthal, the famous Editor of the New York Times. He is widely disliked by his peers as “daddy’s boy”
A.M. Rosenthal, Andrew’s dad, was constantly cheating on his first wife Ann Marie Burke (a gold digging secretary, whom he married after a brief fling). Their unhappy marriage ended after A.M. Rosenthal cheated on her multiple times and went on to marry Shirley Lord, another ugly woman.
Andrew was deeply scarred by his father’s treatment of his mother and subsequent divorce, but he had to bite the bullet and kiss his tyrant father’s feet in order to keep his job at the New York Times. Andrew knew full well that he did not have the ability, skills, or talent to find any other job.
By the time A.M. Rosenthal, Andrew’s dad died at the age of 84, his face was badly deformed due to a stroke. A.M. Rosenthal also grew up a very sickly child with the bone-marrow disease osteomyelitis, causing him extreme pain.
Here is a caricature of what A.M. Rosenthal looked after his stroke (this is just a representation of how his face might have looked – kind of like Andrew’s representation of the massacre):
Here are some pictures of the A.M. Rosenthal limping with a stick, towed by his ugly fat wife: http://static.flickr.com/18/68334397_646ef3232e_m.jpg
Here is the dead body of Andrew’s dad A.M. Rosenthal whilst being prepared for embalming at the coroner’s table
Andrew Rosenthal himself is married to a very ugly woman named Mary Beth Bierut who is a well known alcoholic.
Here is her picture
They both lead a very boring, unhappy married life in New York, sleeping around with their own lovers and of course, Mary Beth tries to forget her unhappy marriage with this talentless idiot by drinking alcohol all the time.
खै सबै अंग्रेजीमा लिख्नुभाको रहेछ बल्लबल्ल गुगल गरें तर मैले बुझेको सहि हो को होइना
यो फोटो छापने अनि अमानवीय कुरा लिखने सम्पादक एन्ड्रु को बाउले त्यसकी मोटी र कुरुप आमालाई दुख दियाछ। अनि अर्की मोटी कुरुप आइमाई बिहे गरेछ
बाउ संगाको रिस दुनियालाई पोख्छ यो कुरुप मोटे नालायक
अनि यो नामर्द चाहिं बाउको नाम भ्जौँदो रहेछ
त्यसको बाऊ कत्ति बांगो मुख र कुरुप भैर मरेछ। पापले होला
प्रार्थना करिलिउ कि यो पापी फोटो खिचने सम्पादक Andrew Rosenthal को छोरा छोरी कैन्सर भएर मरुन र कसैले तिनको विभत्स लाशको चुटकिला बनोस
Let us pray that ALL OF Andrew Rosenthal’s Children die of cancer and their horrible death is portrayed by some newspaper as a funny caricature
Andrew Rosenthal – Karma will answer to you. Your children will die of cancer and some newspaper will make fun of it as you watch, you yellow journalist…..
इ मुला’ सागहरुले नेपालको येसरी खिल्ली उडाएको मलाई चै मन परेन है, भन्द्या’छु /
mission को सफलता को खुसियाली होला नि….
यिनी हरु लाइ पहिल्लै थाहा थियो र एस्तो हुन सक्छ भनेर रिहर्सल गरेका हुन् !
Humanity is lost in the west. They have turned machine with no feelings. And the cause of most of the terrors and instability around the world is due to their power struggle.